Buy Valerian tincture online. Free worldwide shipping.
Drug form: Tincture
Manufacturers: Russia
Active substance: Valerian
Group: Herbal sedative
Expiration date: 2 years
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Valerian tincture 25ml
Indications for use of Valerian tincture are:
States of excitement; sleep disorders associated with overexcitation; migraine; mild functional disorders of the cardiovascular and digestive systems (usually as part of combination therapy).
Pharmachologic effect:
Herbal remedy. It causes a moderately pronounced sedative effect. The action is due to the content of essential oil, most of which is borneol ester and isovaleric acid. Valepotriates and alkaloids - valerin and hotenin - also have sedative properties. Valerian facilitates the onset of natural sleep. Sedation appears slowly, but fairly consistently. Valeric acid and valepotriates have a weak antispasmodic effect. In addition, the complex of biologically active substances of valerian medicinal has a choleretic effect, enhances the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal mucosa, slows down the heart rate and dilates the coronary vessels. Regulation of cardiac activity is mediated through neuroregulatory mechanisms and a direct effect on automatism and the cardiac conduction system. The therapeutic effect is manifested with a systematic and long-term course of treatment.