Buy Ferment for Probiotics online. Free worldwide shipping.
Storage conditions: Store at a temperature not exceeding +25°С and relative air humidity not more than 75%
Compound: Lactose, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus
Evitalia ferment for children's fermented milk product 5 sachets 2g each
Evitalia sourdough is a new generation probiotic containing 1.5-2 billion living organisms, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, and is also enriched with trace elements of calcium, magnesium, and iron. Among other things, Evitalia contains natural antioxidants that prevent aging. Note that the probiotic Evitalia includes specific polysaccharides with anti-oncogenic and antiviral effects. With this starter, you can prepare a fermented milk product for baby food. Characteristics. The main feature of the microorganisms in the starter culture of Evitalia is their ability to ferment carbohydrates without the formation of gas, but with the formation of acids that acidify the contents of the intestine and thereby inhibit the growth of putrefactive and conditionally pathogenic microbes, reduce the burden on the liver by reducing the formation of amines, enterotoxins and other substances of microbial origin, which has a beneficial effect on increasing the overall resistance of a person. The use of Evitalia in food has a beneficial effect on human immunity, especially in conditions of increasing man-made impact on the body.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and put on a clean apron.
2. Prepare all the necessary utensils (glasses and lids included in the yogurt maker kit, spoons).
3. Treat the necessary dishes with boiling water.
4. For the preparation of a fermented milk product, it is necessary to use sterilized or pasteurized milk that has been boiled.
5. Cool the boiled milk to (35-40)°C, remove the foam.
6. Open a sachet (sachet) with starter culture with clean hands over clean dishes and add dry starter culture to warm milk (35-40)°C (1 sachet of starter culture per 1 liter of milk).
7. Mix thoroughly for 5 minutes in a closed container.
8. Pour the prepared mixture into jars of yogurt maker.
9. Put the jars in the yogurt maker for 8-10 hours to form a clot at a temperature of (+38)°C.
10. At the end, seal the jars with prepared lids and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
The chilled product is ready for use.
The shelf life of the product in closed form is 72 hours at a storage temperature of (+2+4)°С.
It is strictly not allowed:
- excess of fermentation time in the yoghurt maker,
- reducing the dose of starter or increasing the volume of fermented milk,
- use of the product obtained as a result of fermentation for re-fermentation.